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SCHEDULE of Services

383 Huron Street, Toronto M5S 2G5 | 416-979-2323 |

Please see the home page for details of services, including links to livestreams and service booklets.


7:30 am Mattins
8:00 am Low Mass (BCP)
(In-person worship)

9:30 am Sung Mass (BAS)
(In-person worship & livestream)

11:00 am High Mass (BCP)
(In-person worship & livestream)

5:00 pm Evensong (BCP) & Adoration
(In-person worship & livestream)

On occasion, the 9:30 and 11:00 am congregations join together for a Combined Mass at 10:30 am on Sunday (e.g, Patronal Sunday, Vestry Sunday). These occasions are announced in advance in the weekly parish e-newsletter and printed notices, and are listed on the home page.



Low Mass
Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 12:15 pm
Tuesday and Thursday at 5:30 pm
Saturday at 10:00 am
Morning Prayer
Monday to Friday at 8:30 am
Saturday at 9:30 am
Evening Prayer
Monday to Friday at 5:00 pm


The Common Cup & Low-Gluten Hosts

As has always been the case, communicants may choose to receive communion in one kind only (i.e., no one should feel obligated to receive both the bread and the wine). As per diocesan guidelines, communicants are asked not to dip the consecrated host into the chalice with their hand (the practice known as intinction) as an alternative to drinking from the chalice.

St. Thomas’s offers low-gluten communion hosts for those who have gluten allergies, sensitivities, or celiac disease. When approaching for communion, please inform the priest that you require a low-gluten host, and the priest will present the pyx to you.